HELLOSAMO INC. is a holistic communications consultancy whose mission is to offer clear and conscious communication to the world. HELLOSAMO focuses on perception and performance. PERCEPTION encapsulates our external facing needs of PR & MARKETING while PERFORMANCE addresses our internal facing needs of employee and organizational COACHING, COUNSELING & ADVISING. By addressing both internal and external needs, HELLOSAMO is able to help you and your organization with positioning and influence, understanding and connection to help you better serve your clients and yourselves.

SAM ONG (AKA SAMO) is the Founder and Principal of HELLOSAMO INC. A communications specialist with a foundation in PR, SAMO is a seasoned marketer who started working in the days of fax machines, dial-up modems and a Rolodex. SAMO's early work with international media strategy and brand consulting firms made SAMO a master in planning campaigns, positioning brands and producing extraordinary results.

After 20+ years working exclusively in PR and Marketing, SAMO was inspired by the book “Sacred Commerce: Business as a Path of Awakening” by Matthew & Terces Engelhart and conceived of HELLOSAMO INC. as a way to make a difference in a brand’s bottom line using the transformational tools by cultivating love in the workplace.

Today, SAMO is a communications coach with a deep desire to help people and brands be fully self-expressed. Starting with the principle “what is unsaid is more important than what is said,” SAMO masterfully facilitates team and individual transformation through transparent conversations. Formerly Chief Inspiration Officer for Shadow, SAMO draws on his personal journey utilizing a vast arsenal of tools, which he tailors specifically to the needs of each client, to empower and deepen their relationships. SAMO addresses internal and external communications needs, leaving clients expanded, elevated and inspired. SAMO understands a brand’s ability to enhance life, connect people and create community.

SAMO is a graduate of Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. SAMO is based in New York City's West Chelsea neighborhood.


Copyright © HELLOSAMO INC.

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